Letter to the Editor: Limiting Salt Works


The Shuttle welcomes letters of interest to the Weavers Way community. Send to editor@weaversway.coop. The deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication. Include a name and email address or phone number for verification; no anonymous letters will be published. Letters should be 200 words or less and may be edited. The Shuttle reserves the right to decline any letter.

Thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Thurma’s letter (April) re: salt in response to Mr. Mitteldorf’s article (March). He beat me to it.

Most reputable medical authorities in this country suggest limiting one’s salt intake to 2400mg for those up to 55-60 and 1500mg for seniors beyond.

My BP was getting out of hand a couple of years ago and I then started to limit my salt intake. It’s now back to the 120s/130 over 70ish. Not bad for an 83-year-young senior who takes no medication.

— Lawrence H. Geller