Vote for the Board 2019

The election for Weavers Way Board members is happening now. Did you know that our bylaws require 10 percent of our members to vote in order for the election to be valid? As our membership has grown over the past several years, the number of votes needed for a valid election has also increased. Your vote matters!

But that’s not the only reason you should vote. As with our national, state and local elections, exercising your right to vote is increasingly important. As demonstrated by the 2016 and 2018 elections, each person’s vote is critical to the functioning of the democratic process. It is no less important in our own Weavers Way election.

Some commonly held myths about voting in the Weavers Way election:

1. “I don’t know anyone who is running.”

There is a statement from each candidate in this issue of the Shuttle, as well as a photograph. There is also a video of each candidate on the Weavers Way website, providing an opportunity to see each candidate talk about their interest in the Co-op.

2. “I don’t know how to vote online.”

It’s easy! You will receive an email reminder to vote. You can then review the candidates, select up to three and click on the link on your email to cast your vote. In addition, you can also vote by paper ballot. Paper ballots are available in the Shuttle and in each store, and they can be dropped in the locked box provided in each store or mailed to Weavers Way at the address provided on the ballot.

3. “It doesn’t matter if I vote or not.”

It does matter! Now that our membership is almost 10,000, we need 1,000 members to vote in order for the election to be valid. In addition, the Board represents you and works to assure Weavers Way adheres to its mission and values.

4. “I’ll let members who care more than I do, decide who is on the Board.”

As a cooperative, it is your privilege to vote for your Board. That’s one of the unique features of a cooperative!

5. “I have to decide who to vote for without any advice from others.”

You can talk to friends and neighbors, present and past Board members and staff to get their opinions about who would be a good Board member. In addition, you might have an opportunity to meet prospective Board members prior to the election, as you shop in our stores. In that case, use the opportunity to get to know their opinions about what is important to you.

6. “It doesn’t matter who I vote for.”

Again, it does matter! Board members represent you! They have a lot of input into how Weavers Way operates. We need Board members with creativity, integrity and willingness to commit the time and energy to their responsibilities.

7. “Incumbents always win, so there is no need to vote.”

This year, there are no incumbents running for the Board. We have nine candidates, and each brings a set of skills and interests that can add to the Board’s expertise. It will serve all of us well to review the candidates’ information in the Shuttle and online to determine who best represents our values and interests. But even when there are incumbents running, each election represents an opportunity to elect members who can add to the richness of our Board.

This year, we hope all of you will take the opportunity to make the Weavers Way Board election a meaningful experience and to elect a Board that represents your values and interests!

Weavers Way Leadership Committee
Lisa Hogan, Chair
Olga Corrias-Hancock
Larry Daniels
Sylvia Gentry
Joan Patton
David Woo
Susan Zipin